For the Love of Babies
Babies are one of the sweetest gifts from God. How magnificent after only nine months a tiny human appears into this world. I recall a few moments (minus the obvious pain of childbirth) from when my daughters were born. An overwhelming relief when you hear their first cry. The exact moments when your babies are placed into your arms. The sweet scents of their newborn skin as you hold them tight. The touch on your fingertips tracing their tiny features while trying to figure out whom they look like. And the instantaneous swell of love multiplying in your heart.
It’s amazing how babies fill you with joy. Their charming innocence envelops you as simply as those little fingers wrap around yours. The dependence of a new little one will be the biggest and most rewarding job of a parent. When I thought about a future job in high school, I envisioned motherhood. As my babies grew, so did I. They motivated me both mentally and spiritually to strive to be a better person. Continue reading “For the Love of Babies”